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Truck Accident Law Firm
Los Angeles Semi-Truck Accident Law Firm The demands of the job often require truck drivers to work long days and nights in order to meet deadlines.
Most truck drivers are attentive and conscientious professionals with excellent safety records. Some others purposely ignore both federal safety regulations and state traffic laws. That’s how tragedies occur, and our Los Angeles semi truck accident law firm become involved.
The State with the Most Truck Accidents A semi-truck and trailer can be well over 70 feet long and weigh up to 80,000 pounds. When one of those gigantic machines is traveling at 55 mph and impacts with a passenger vehicle, serious lifelong injuries or fatalities are likely to result. It should come as no surprise that with California having the highest population in the United States, it also has the highest number of recorded truck accidents in the country. Our Los Angeles semi-truck accident law firm represents accident victims throughout California. Passenger Vehicle and Trucker Fatalities Occupants of passenger vehicles are terribly vulnerable when they’re involved in crashes with semi trucks.Those trucks can weigh more than 20 times as much as a passenger vehicle. Even on dry roads, they can take up to 40 percent longer to come to a complete stop. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 3852 people died in large truck crashes in 2015. Of those, 69 percent were occupants of passenger vehicles and 16 percent were truck occupants. Another 15 percent were motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Common Causes of Truck Accidents As Los Angeles semi-truck accident law firm, we see certain patterns in semi-truck crashes.
The following causes stand out: Drowsy or fatigued driving in violation of rules involving hours of service Overloaded or inadequately secured cargo Maintenance issues involving tires and brakes Rollovers and jackknifing due to excessive speed Insufficient driver training or experience Negligent driving like speeding, following too closely and abrupt lane changes Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs Preserving Evidence It’s not uncommon for the insurer of a trucking company to dispatch an investigative team to the scene of a truck crash before the debris and mess are even cleaned up.
That team will only preserve any evidence that tends to shift the blame for the crash over onto the victim. Victims need to preserve evidence that supports their version of events too. When you’ve retained our law firm, our experienced Los Angeles semi truck accident law firm will want to preserve all evidence on your behalf. That’s why it’s so important to retain us as soon as possible after an accident. We can even ask a judge to order the trucking company and its driver to preserve any and all evidence in their possession relative to the crash and make it equally available to us for inspection. Insurers of trucking companies know that they’re in for significant financial exposure when a careless and negligent driver causes severe injuries or fatalities.
The law doesn’t require you to talk to or cooperate with their representatives. If you do that, you’ll probably make mistakes that will be used against you in the future. Critical evidence can get lost or destroyed, and witnesses can vanish. Contact Our Los Angeles Semi Truck Accident Law Firm If you are a victim who was injured in a crash involving a semi truck anywhere in California, or if a family member perished in such a crash, contact the Los Angeles semi truck accident law firm at Karlin & Karlin right away. A consultation won’t cost you a penny, and there’s no obligation either. If we’re retained to represent you, we don’t even charge any legal fees unless we enter into a settlement or verdict on your behalf.

Tucson Truck Accident Lawyer Dangerous large truck accidents in Tucson occur on a regular basis and are occurring more frequently. These collisions are often more severe than car-on-car accidents simply due to the dynamics of pitting a colossal commercial truck against the average passenger vehicle. By law, any vehicle weighing over 10,000 pounds is a truck; however, many commercial trucks weigh up to 80,000 pounds fully loaded. The average passenger vehicle weighs just about 4,000 pounds. It is no wonder that more often than not, the victim of a serious truck accident is the occupant of the passenger vehicle.
Truck accidents in Tucson occur for a variety of reasons, the most common being that truck drivers are overworked and fatigued behind the wheel. This leads to driver inattentiveness and general negligence on the road. Additionally, truck drivers may not adequately maintain or load their trucks, and equipment may malfunction, resulting in the accident that caused your injuries. You have rights following a Tucson truck accident just like you would following a car accident; the main difference between them is truck accidents are made more complicated by the multiple parties involved. Thus, several parties, including the trucker, the trucking company, or the manufacturer of the malfunctioning equipment may be liable for your injuries.
Filing a Truck Accident Claim in Tucson After a truck accident, it is of paramount importance to hire a knowledgeable truck wreck lawyer as soon as possible. Why the rush? Just hours after the incident the trucking company, the insurance company, and others send their teams out to investigate the crash. If you were hurt in a truck accident or lost a loved one in a tractor-trailer or semi-truck accident in Tucson, you need unyielding legal representation advocating for you. The investigation phase of a truck accident claim is much more involved and crucial than in a car-on-car collision. If you have suffered serious injuries due to the negligence of an inattentive driver, you need an attorney who will aggressively protect your interests and pursue a thorough investigation as soon as possible.
The sooner you hire an attorney, the more capable he will be of collecting and preserving the evidence necessary to support your claim. Injuries You Can Sustain After a Commercial Truck Accident In most injury truck accidents, it is not the trucker who gets hurt. Common injuries following a commercial truck wreck in Tucson include, but are not limited to: Brain injuries Spinal cord injuries Back and neck injuries Burns Broken bones Bruises, cuts, and scrapes What Kinds of Damages Can I Collect? As with any serious accident, a successful truck accident claim can lead to damages intended to cover for past, present, and future medical expenses, lost wages and lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering, among others.
In rare cases of gross negligence, it may be possible to fight for punitive damages, which stand to make an example out of the trucking company to the rest of the trucking industry to deter future accidents as devastating as yours. By working with an attorney who is determined to collect every dime you deserve, you can ensure that you will not be stripped of the funds you desperately need at this difficult time. Too often, victims of truck accidents allow their cases to be decided by insurance companies. Though it may be tempting to accept the first settlement that comes your way, you will receive a miserly sum that allows insurance companies to line their pockets. Don’t settle for their deceitful tactics, contact Karnas Law Firm at 571-9700 for a free case evaluation.
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